Trusted by industry leaders
Bootstrap liquidity
Start with 90% or more governance token and use the power of impermanent gain to bootstrap your way to 50% ETH or USDC.
Increase market efficiency
Create deeper markets with less volatility by harnessing the power of concentrated liquidity and other next gen AMM designs.
Better pricing for DEX traders
Reduce price impact and volatility by increasing your liquidity depth.
Capture more volume
Increase your overall market share and earn more fees onchain. Don't leave liquidity to the whims of mercenary LPs.
Active market making strategies throughout your token's lifecycle
Token generation event
Deploy liquidity securely and in sync with centralised exchange listings.
Usual tapped Arrakis at TGE to help them navigate the volatility of early price discovery.
Start with 80-90% governance token and move towards 50/50.
Arrakis helped the Across foundation bootstrap ETH liquidity while providing depth onchain.
Ongoing liquidity management
Keep inventory at the right profile with automatic rebalancing.
EtherFi tapped Arrakis to offload ongoing liquidity management to free the team up to focus on other areas of treasury management.
Supported by Arrakis